Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sourdough Coffee Cake

In our family, we spend a lot of time with food. We talk about food, always talking about our next meal as we're finishing up our current meal. I'm constantly brewing, or souring 'science experiments' on the counter for our future meals. Food is a big deal to us. I am always looking for ways to adjust our diet in order for us to get the most out of what we're eating. In the recent few weeks, I have been looking into metabolic typing to see what more I can do for my families bodies. We are still trying to determine the kids' individual type, but I am a protein type (which I've always kind of known) and my husband is a combo. It has been interesting making the necessary adjustments and watching as our energy levels increase and we begin to handle the day to day much better. Part of our adjustments has been to make sure all grains we ingest have been properly prepared via soaking or souring. Un-soaked grains are really bad for me, as explained by Dr. Mercola: "people who are protein-types have cells that burn carbohydrates too fast. So instead, they have to choose protein over carbohydrates in order to slow down the oxidation rate of their food." (To take a test to determine your metabolic type go here. To read more about metabolic testing and to learn why you could benefit from it, I recommend this book.)

I started with this recipe from Homemaking on the Homestead and tweaked it a little further to suit our families needs. Here's what you'll need to do:

The night before take -

1 cup sourdough starter, just fed
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour

 and mix them together in a medium sized bowl. Cover with a lid (plate, towel, etc) and leave it on your counter while you sleep. In the morning take the remaining ingredients:

1 slightly beaten egg
1/2 cup sucanat
1t baking soda
1 t cinnamon (I've added a little nutmeg and allspice with great success as well!)
1/2 t salt- I find that 3/4-1 t tastes better

and stir to incorporate.

For the topping, you'll melt your butter then add in the rest of these ingredients until all are mixed together.

½ cup sucanat
1T almond flour (or any flour)
1t cinnamon
2T butter, melted

Turn your oven to 350 and pour the batter into a 9x9 pan. Sprinkle the topping on the top of your batter until it has all been used up. Place your pan in the oven and bake for 35 minutes.

Enjoy! My family scarfed it up and asked when we were going to have it again!

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