Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yogurt in your crockpot!

We have been making our yogurt for years now. Store bought yogurt simply can not compare! We used to sit over the stove and stir it by hand until it reached the right temperature. It got kind of boring...Now, thanks to crockpot365 we simply put the milk in the crock pot and let it do all the work! (except for the mixing in of the active cultures...) It's so nice and incredibly easy!! I've had a lot of people asking for this recipe lately, so I decided I post it here, instead of re-typing it all the time! (lazy, I know...) :)

Crock pot yogurt
8 cups whole milk (you can use low fat too)

pour into your crockpot on low for 2 1/2 hours. Turn off your crock pot and leave for 3 hours with the lid on.

pull out 2ish c of warm milk and add 1/2 c yogurt...stir until mixed together. (we no longer follow this, but instead just pour the yogurt directly into the crock potted milk. It's just easier that way...) Add that mixture back to the crock pot, along with 1/2 c dry milk. (The dry milk helps it to thicken. you don't have to use it, but without it, your yogurt will be more of a 'drinkable yogurt' than a 'eat with a spoon yogurt'. Your choice. :) )

Wrap your crock pot in a couple of towels to insulate it over night. Now go to bed and when you wake up in the morning, you'll have nice yummy plain yogurt! To sweaten, just add a little bit of raw honey, stevia, or 3/4 c sugar and 1 t vanilla! Mmmmmm!

*Also, I just found this blog and she said you can use coconut, soy, almond milk, or goats milk in place of cows! I'm so excited to try goat yogurt out!!! (She also suggested using powered probiotic instead of yogurt...SO excited to get my hands on that, as we often buy a large container of yogurt from the store to get our starter. Waste of money and then nobody ends up eating it because everyone prefers homemade over here!)

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